life love

a weekend filled with favorites

I hope you all have many days that feel perfect. The kind that make you so happy. The kind that remind you life is so good. The kind filled with sunshine and laughter, love and adventure. Days that are simple, yet grand.

Saturday, Aug. 9, was one of those days for me. Travis and I were sitting on a sand dune in White Sands, N.M., shoes and socks off, a T-shirt wrapped around Travis’ head, a sled by our side, blue skies and white fluffy clouds to our right, and a storm brewing to our left.

White Sands

The weekend had been filled with some of our favorites – a Harry Potter audio book in the car, a 3.5-hour country drive with a great sunset and the moon, sleeping next to the mountains, getting coffee for breakfast, sand in our toes, hair and belly buttons. We took photos, I drew pictures in the sand, we ran around like kids, took that sled down hills that made me scream and Travis laugh.

White Sands

White Sands

White Sands

We had big plans to sleep on the dunes under the full moon, but that didn’t work out. But, you know, the thing with perfect days is it doesn’t seem to matter when things don’t go just as planned. Sometimes it’s actually better when there is no plan.

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